
Functions and methods in public header shadows private functions

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We are having problems with functions with the same name but different types in the public and private ABI. It seems abi-dumper considers the function in the private abi public as well.

For example:

// public/foo.hh
class Foo;
bool operator==(const Foo& a, const Foo& b);
// private/bar.hh
class Bar;
bool operator==(const Bar& a, const Bar& b);

$ -lver 1 -public-headers public -o foo.dump

When we remove bool operator==(const Bar& a, const Bar& b) from the library it is marked as an ABI change by which I think it shouldn't be. Am I misunderstanding something?

I have uploaded a small repro case where I expect void foo1(int) (_Z4foo1i) and void foo3() (_Z4foo3v) to be private as void foo2() is. But instead they appear in the SymbolInfo map, not marked private. Note that void foo3() is made public because of void Foo::foo3()(!).

OS: RHEL 7.7
g++ (GCC) 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-39)
ABI Dumper 1.1
Vtable-Dumper 1.2
Exuberant Ctags 5.8