
UserNameStatus deserialization error

Opened this issue · 2 comments


So I have an issue with the "GetUserNameStatusInBruteForceDetectionAsync" function.
Its response "UserNameStatus" is expecting a long? instead of int? for the field "LastFailure", so it is crashing on the deserialization. Please check the response here below as an example from Keycloak API.

{ "numFailures": 2, "disabled": false, "lastIPFailure": "", "lastFailure": 1622463072963 }

May you please update the model and the package?

I am able to reproduce the error.

@Utar94 an actively maintained fork has been made of this project, it can be found here.

Please test it out and see if your issue is resolved, if not, open an issue or a PR and we can get it fixed.