
Using 3rd-party lib qr-code shows "undefined reference"-error

ChrisPasda opened this issue · 6 comments

I am trying to use the qr-code feature with this template for the fb0 in c and i activated this feature in the lv_conf.h. When i am using some qr-related functions like lv_qrcode_create() i get an "undefined reference"-error while compiling with make. When i am clicking on the function my IDE finds the correct file in src/libs/qrcode.

Thank you very much in advance and with best regards,


Do you build the project with Eclipse or Make?

Hey, i build it with make in VS Code. Maybe that could be the issue?

Thanks for the response.

I've checked that the make file includes all C files from the extradirectory.

Please modify lv_qrcode.c like

#error "before #if"
#include "lv_qrcode.h"
#error "after #if"

It will show if the file is being compiled or not.

I did that and that was my outcome:

Thank you very much for the response and best regards

Okay, i dont know what caused the problem but after restarting my VM everyhting is working now.

Thank you very much !

Next time I suggest trying make clean too.