
Add filesystem driver from this Other Repo !!

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Please add the filesystem driver from here :-

Idk how LVGL codebase works internally, do I just need to copy the driver to lv_drv folder ?

Got it.

I am trying to implement the improved LVGL filesystem driver implementation with pure Win32 API. You can know the reason in lvgl/lv_fs_if#15.

The first commit is trying to translate the error code to LVGL filesystem driver error code more precisely.

I will commit the full implementation in the recent days.

Kenji Mouri

Because this repo (lv_port_windows) is designed for developers to develop Windows desktop application with LVGL. So this repo's implementation will add more helper functions about that. (For example, the way to interop with Windows resource APIs.)

The filesystem driver implementation based on Win32 API has been merged in lvgl/lvgl#2701.

So I close the issue.

Kenji Mouri