

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Introduce the problem

Hi, i am trying to create a project with a stm32u5g9 board and lvgl v9, but i don´t know where i have to start or which are the drivers necessary for this. And i don´t find any documentation or examples on internet searchs, can someone help me?


No response

I'll take a look thanks

I'm not sure this can help me because the display that i use is mipi dsi and i think the one in that project is a spi display.
I've been trying to change the files of hal_stm_lvgl folder from the stm32f769i_port but the configuration of this dsi seems to be so different. Do you have any documentation where i can search how to configure this type of display?

Unfortunately we don't have docs for that.

Setting up MPIP DSI is not strictly related to LVGL. We are working on adding ready to use projects, but configuring the drivers/frame buffer is normally the users' task and more related to the chip vendors' docs or SDK. Sorry that I couldn't help more. 🙁

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