
How to display Thai on the interface

Opened this issue · 5 comments

LVGL version


What happened?

when Thai is displayed with consonants superimposed on vowels and tones, the tone cannot be fully displayed and will be mixed with vowels,They show left and right. How can I display it correctly?

How to reproduce?

No response

use BlynkGO is the best!

Thanks for the tip @trivij!

@jeremyvirtue, which font were you seeing the issues with?

cc @BlynkGO (they participate here sometimes)

Regarding BlynkGO, I tried this:
and it looks correct at first sight but I am not familiar with the language.


I simply downloaded the C file, added it to my build files, and made this change

diff --git a/../../Downloads/ThaiSansNeue_Bold_25.c b/../lvgl_workspace/ThaiSansNeue_Bold_25.c
index 49716e5b3..f3034a328 100644
--- a/../../Downloads/ThaiSansNeue_Bold_25.c
+++ b/../lvgl_workspace/ThaiSansNeue_Bold_25.c
@@ -4,7 +4,11 @@
  * Opts: --bpp 4 --size 25 --no-compress --font ThaiSansNeue-Bold_modified.ttf --range 32-126,161-255,3584-3675,8192-8805,63232-63632 --format lvgl -o ThaiSansNeue_Bold_25.c
-#include "blynkgo_lib.h"
+    #include "lvgl.h"
+    #include "lvgl/lvgl.h"

And then used it like so:

static void thai_font_blynkgo()
    lv_obj_t * label = lv_label_create(lv_screen_active());
    lv_obj_set_style_text_font(label, &ThaiSansNeue_Bold_25, 0);
    lv_label_set_text(label, "วิธีการใช้งาน");

I also tried arluck_25.c but had a less satisfying result.


I try to understand,But do you have to use BlynkGO OS for this solution?Can we try to isolate it?

I didn't use BlynkGO OS. Please read my comment again 🙂

I simply downloaded the C file, added it to my build files, and made this change

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