
Rotate Base object (lv_obj) v9

Opened this issue · 14 comments

Introduce the problem

Do I return a Base object (lv_obj) with all objects on it in version 9? In version 8 I used lv_obj_set_style_transform_angle.


No response

If I understand correctly, yes, that aspect is the same in version 9 compared to version 8.

Regarding lv_obj_set_style_transform_angle, that should work since it's mapped using an API mapping for v8->v9, but lv_obj_set_style_transform_rotation is the new function name.

lv_img_set_angle and lv_obj_set_style_transform_angle not work.

Do you get a compiler error or do they not work as intended at runtime?

Compiles but does not work properly. More precisely, there is no image. At the same time, the stream in which lvgl loads the processor by 100%.

Is it a binary image? See #6193. This is a known weakness of binary images.

The transformations require the whole image to be available. Therefore indexed images (LV_COLOR_FORMAT_I1/2/4/8_...), alpha only images cannot be transformed. In other words transformations work only on normal (A)RGB or A8 images stored as C array, or if a custom Image decoder returns the whole image.

This is a png-decoded image in ARGB8888 format, which is located in the RAM array.

Interesting. Could you please send some code to reproduce the issue?

Load image:

void CreatePngImage(T_PNG_IMAGE *Img, const char *mem, uint16_t size, uint16_t w, uint16_t h)
  Img->img = fbg_loadPNGFromMemory(mem, size);
  Img->img->data[2] = 4;
 uint32_t x, y, index = 0, color;
	for (uint32_t i=0; i<((w*h)); i++)
			color = Img->img->data[index]<<16;
			color |= Img->img->data[index+1]<<8;
			color |= Img->img->data[index+2];
			if (color == 0xFF00FF)
				Img->img->data[index] = 0;
				Img->img->data[index+1] = 0;
				Img->img->data[index+2] = 0;
				Img->img->data[index+3] = 0;
			index += 4;
  uint32_t *img_buff32 = (uint32_t *)(Img->img)->data;
  // swap color R<->B
  unsigned char *img_buff = (unsigned char *)(Img->img)->data;
  unsigned char tmp;
  for (uint32_t i=0; i<((w*h)); i++)
    tmp = *img_buff;
    *img_buff     = *(img_buff+2);
    *(img_buff+2) = tmp;
    img_buff += 4;
  //Img->dsc.header.always_zero = 0;
  Img->dsc.header.w = w;
  Img->dsc.header.h = h;
  Img-> = (unsigned char *)(Img->img)->data;  
  Img->dsc.data_size = w * h * LV_COLOR_DEPTH / 8;

Image display:

lv_obj_t * imgArrow;
CreatePngImage(&IMG.Arrow,      &_imageArrow,     392,  43,  44);
imgArrow= lv_img_create(osdDirHome.Panel);  
lv_img_set_src(imgArrow, &IMG.Arrow.dsc);
lv_obj_set_size(imgArrow, 43, 44);
lv_obj_set_pos(imgArrow, 48/2-43/2, 48/2-44/2);
lv_img_set_angle(imgArrow, (180+osdDirHome.Angel*10)%360);

lv_img_set_angle(imgArrow, (180+osdDirHome.Angel*10)%360);

The angle is in 0.1° unit, so it should be:

lv_img_set_angle(imgArrow, (1800+osdDirHome.Angel*10)%3600); //1800 and %3600

lv_img_set_angle(imgArrow, (180+osdDirHome.Angel*10)%360);

The angle is in 0.1° unit, so it should be:

lv_img_set_angle(imgArrow, (1800+osdDirHome.Angel*10)%3600); //1800 and %3600

I agree. But that's not the problem.

I can't seem to reproduce it. Does it work perfectly when you don't set the angle?

If the angle is 0, then everything works, in other cases the program hangs.

You mentioned the CPU goes to 100%. There's a chance an LV_ASSERT failed and the default behavior is to spin forever (while(1);). Do you have a way of getting a stacktrace or some other way of finding out where it's failing?

We need some feedback on this issue.

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