Leader Key + Vertical Highlight bar column 80
vmarlier opened this issue · 4 comments
Is it possible to define a leader key, to be used inside the KeyMaps file ?
For exemple I would like to :NvimTreeToggle as a combination of ", + ;" instead of "S+x". -
Is it also possible to remove the "Highlight column on the column 80", I've searched inside the configurations but I cannot see where it from.. ?
Also, I've noticed that I cannot copy paste with the basic shortcut Ctrl+c/v, instead it seems it's the yank functionnalty of vim that is being used, is there a way to modify this behaviour ?
Thank You
Add this:
local configs = {}
local funcs = require "core.funcs"
configs["options"] = function()
local custom_opt = {
colorcolumn = ""
local custom_keymaps = {
{"<YourKey-YourKey>", ":NvimTreeToggle<CR>"}
funcs.keymaps("n", {noremap = false, silent = true}, custom_keymaps)
return configs
to lvim/lua/configs/custom/init.lua
", + ;" - not working, use C-Key, S-Key or A-Key
For Ctrl+c/v - change config your terminal
If you want rewrite leader keys:
- Add this:
local modules = {}
local tools_config = require("modules.custom.configs.tools")
modules["AckslD/nvim-whichkey-setup.lua"] = {
event = {"VimEnter", "BufReadPre"},
requires = "liuchengxu/vim-which-key",
config = tools_config.whichkey
return modules
to lvim/lua/modules/custom/init.lua
Create file
Add your config (for example use
Did that help you?
Yes thank you