
NA+1 not supported

Closed this issue · 3 comments

NA+1 present in the library is not supported by jcosmo, it displays the message 'Compound not found'. The problem is the same for a new gout file obtained with GAMESS.

Is it a normal issue?
Please find attached the gout files in .txt format.

Guillaume Simon

Dear @gsimon-ens,

Indeed we are having some issues with GAMESS output files that come out slightly different. For instance for your new file, apparently the geometry optimization is off, so the output file is different. We are working on it.

Dear @rpseng ,

Thank you, is it the same output file issue with the NA+1 file coming from the JCOSMO library?

Guillaume Simon


Gamess output files were reworked and are now much smaller, we also took the opportunity to fix this problem. The latest release and JCOSMO now include NA+ and many other molecules/ions.