Scons Error 1 - Illegal Variable name
Closed this issue · 2 comments
Hello! Could you help me?
Scons is returning error 1 when trying to generate the sigma profile.
I've tried to compute sigma-p for LACTIC_ACID.mol, using the mol file provided in the database.
It seems it computes the calculation up to the line:
/home/csrafaelcs/src/gamess/rungms LACTIC_ACID.inp > LACTIC_ACID.gamout
After this, I get an error: Illegal variable name.
And it ends with a error 1 from scons.
Complete terminal lines are:
scons: Reading SConscript files ...
scons: done reading SConscript files.
scons: Building targets ...
/home/csrafaelcs/src/gamess/rungms LACTIC_ACID.inp > LACTIC_ACID.gamout
Illegal variable name.
scons: *** [LACTIC_ACID.gamout] Error 1
scons: building terminated because of errors.
Any solution?
I've reinstalled gamess using the version pointed out in the tutorial (gamess.Apr202017R1, i think), and it worked well in my Ubuntu 24.0.
It generated the .gout file for Lactic Acid molecule that has a sigma-profile quite similar to the that one in Jcosmo database.
Hello, glad to know you got it working.
Since the issue was apparently related to gamess, I'm closing this for now.