[Question] Possible to output a html5 page/canvas to a virtual webcam
bomanden opened this issue · 3 comments
Been trying to find something that can output an electron app to a virtual webcam
(osx-coreMediaIO / windows-directx).
Would it be possible with this example or similar, can see you did quite a few virtual webcam projects.
I'm not familiar with the possibilities in an electron app, but if you can capture the pixels in your app window then you can definitely feed that into a virtual webcam, e.g. by using IOSurface via XPC. This example is not prepared for receiving images via XPC but it wouldn't be too hard to extend it.
Thanks alot, for the inputs.
I think I would need to write some kind of c++ plugin for electron. that could receive the pixels from html canvas object, then pass that on to what you describe.
I'll try to investigate 'IOSurface via XPC' :) , thanks.
@bomanden : Did you figure out the C++ plugin? I would appreciate if you can guide me. Docs 7 examples are appreciated Thanks!