Method getConfigValue published?
Closed this issue · 4 comments
I am trying to get the value from one prop only e.g.:
camera.getConfigValue('shutterspeed2', function (err, settings) {
if (err) {
console.error('getConfigValue', err);
console.log('getConfigValue', JSON.stringify(settings,null,2));
But it returns
camera.getConfigValue('shutterspeed2', function (err, settings) {
TypeError: camera.getConfigValue is not a function
I dont want to call always getConfig, it cost too much time and produces a lot of data. gphoto2 cli delivers as a standard "--get-config=STRING] [--set-config=STRING" getter and setter on each prop.
BTW could y extend the doc by declaring the public methods what can we use in node.
Thanks for providing us this binding, it helps a lot.
Best regards,
This particular method indeed is not implemented, PRs are welcome!
Sorry I am not familiar with C/C++, thats the reason why we re using a wrapper not original code ;)
BTW there is another basic method missing, too:
gphoto2 --storage-info
[Storage 0]
label=NIKON D700
access=2 Read-only with delete
type=4 Removable RAM
fstype=4 Camera layout (DCIM)
totalcapacity=7822432 KB
free=7473024 KB
It would be appreciated when at least the very basics are supported by this wrapper.
That's a bit strange because the method is declared in the header files but not implemented.
I would love to implement it by my side, but I don't have the skills too.
Hope it'll be implemented in a next release :-)
Closing this very old feature request; feel free to reopen if somebody finds the time to suggest an implementation.