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lxpanelctl has "refresh" command, which is available.

In following use case it does not help:

  1. Adding Application in the "/usr/share/applications/" directory;
  2. Doing no changes in the Configuration "Icon=/path/to/the/image" data. Instead making image swap in controlled environment of the Application (itself).
  3. After checking the Panel the Image is not changed.

These actions helps solve this problem:
a) making command and request to "lxpanelctl restart". It looks too resource consuming, not good.
b) doing some changes in Panel Settings. It takes extra task to do, waste of resources, no good.
c) restarting the Computer. It's not dynamic. Apps for real-time events can't be done.

This directory "/usr/share/lxpanel/images/" is no good, because of it's privileges and permissions.
Any ideas to solve simple "refresh" are appreciated.