
Feature requests

kevinwells22 opened this issue · 9 comments

Hi, this is a the best LXD gui management I have seen.
Would be fantastic to see some of the below features implemented if possible please.

  • Pcie / GPU Passthrough
  • USB Stick passthrough
  • Terminal view / Graphical console (linux and windows)

Thanks! On the next major release (v3) I will be adding in the capability to configure GPU and USB devices on the instance. I should have support for adding all the different device types. I do want to include the graphical console as a way to manage Linux desktops as well as Windows virtual-machines but that may be a little further down the road in development. I have been looking at options using a web version of spice but haven't gotten all the pieces worked out for that quite yet.

This is all very good news, looking forward to testing v3. Can I ask when it will be lreased please?

Thanks! I am planning to roll it out by the end of November.

Is the HTML5/Spice console still a work in progress? That would really tick off all the checkboxes I am searching for.

Unfortunately I was not able to get the vga console working with remote API calls to LXD. Locally on a machine, the LXD API checks to see if you have a spice client installed. If it does, it will launch that. If not, it will give display a URL to connect a client to. I was not able to get that URL.

It would also be nice to have a CPU meter for the LXD host machine like you have for ram.

+1,support VGA console

Unfortunately the LXD rest api does not provide host CPU information. If that changes I will add that to the dashboard as a CPU meter too.