
Adding things like "1 minute read" and date inside the blog post

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I managed to figure out how to finally make a blog post and customizing my page after like 3 hours due to the lack of documentation, so now I'm trying to do the finishing touches. How do I get the estimated post read length and the date IN the blog post? It doesn't seem to show. No matter how mcuh I dig through the example site files, I can't find it. (not to sound rude, i love your theme)


also i'm wondering how to publish this to github pages, i've spent 5 hours on this now XD

@auroraongithub I believe the read estimate and date only shows up for post page types, not single page types.

@auroraongithub I believe the read estimate and date only shows up for post page types, not single page types.

i see, i dont get it but it is what it is, also do you have an idea how i can put this on github pages? i'm really trying rn but it doesn't work


i think i managed to get most of the folders from my local folder to github thru terminal but it doesn't look like the theme in my themes folder was included

@auroraongithub: @ericswpark 's answer means that for the read time to show up, you have to type type = 'post' in the front matter of your post (between the two +++). If you do that, the date and read time estimate will show up.