
lxqt-config-locale - "No change" item bug

ianfarrell47 opened this issue · 16 comments

Some things I have noticed from using lxqt-config-locale:

There is an animation for list item clear icons... why? I believe from launching the program again and again, that the animation is causing performance issues.

Also "No change" appears to be broken, when selecting Detailed Settings.
Under the Examples section I get:
(for United States - American English (en_US)):
1,000.1; Sunday, March 13, 2022 12:34:42 AM EST; $24; Imperial US
(for Detailed Settings checked and all boxes set to No Change):
1000.1; Sunday, 13 March 2022 00:36:36 EST; 24; Metric

System Information
  • Distribution & Version: Arch Linux
  • Kernel: optiplex 5.16.14-zen1-1-zen
  • Qt Version: qt5-base: 5.15.3+kde+r133-1
  • liblxqt Version: 1.0.0-1
  • lxqt-build-tools Version: 1.0.0-1
  • Package version: 5ac9f9e

I'm quite sure there is none, never saw this. Could be a compositor effect on your installation?
And for the second one: those are the actual settings shown and those would be taken on save - there is no issue too.


There is an animation for list item clear icons... why?

You're asking about what happens inside Qt. The answer is in Qt's code. We don't add any animation; Qt does.

I see the bug is much more narrow than I initially wrote. No Change changes from set locale.

Because my words seem to be failing me, here's a screenshot

Expected behavior

'No change' correctly copies the locale style from selected Region.

Thanks, I never saw this "no change", how did you produce it?

I believe No change is the default for unsaved LXQt locale settings under Detailed Settings

No, I tried different edits and cannot produce this. Can you describe step by step how you get this screen?

To reproduce and test the bug, select the first item in the list for items under Detailed Settings, it is 'No change' for me.

Still cannot reproduce - I find no way to see this "no change" here, but I see it in the source code and the translations.

I see them. Had never paid attention to them because I only use US En.


Also regarding lxqt-config-locale, the padding of the window around all its elements is larger than the rest of lxqt-config binaries. Container boxes would be nice.

Also regarding lxqt-config-locale, the padding of the window around all its elements is larger than the rest of lxqt-config binaries

Such things neither are bugs nor cause problems. They can be changed very easily but, I guess, devs respect the harmless choices of the original author of the app and don't touch them.

Yes, I was unsure if it was a feature or a bug - perhaps neither, as you said, a harmless design choice by the original authors. I still think a container box would be an improvement around Detailed Settings and Examples. I don't know how hard this is to implement these things in Qt.

I still think a container box....

It isn't about a box. The original author has added two 16-px horizontal spacers. Why? I don't know. I'll remove them later — if I don't forget them ;)

... a container box would be an improvement around Detailed Settings and Examples. I don't know how hard this is to implement these things in Qt.

It's a piece of cake. I thought you meant the padding (→ my previous comment).

I found time to check the GUI as well as the code. There's no bug here; the GUI is OK:

  1. If you don't check "Detailed Settings", the info of the "Region" combo will be used for Number, Time, etc.
  2. If you check that box, the info in the enabled combos will be used. The default is "No change", which means the value of the related environment variable (LC_NUMERIC, LC_TIME, etc.). If that environment variable is empty, the "C" locale will be used, which is the logical choice (made by Qt devs).

The "Detailed Settings" box is for users who want to fine-tune their locale. Most users may only need to leave it unchecked, so that the "Region" combo is used for all details.