
shortcut for main menu: shortcut works only half

ralf3u opened this issue · 4 comments

in the description of the shortcut-configuration there is as default the windows-key;
the description is there: "Show/hide main menu";
the shortcut shows in fact the main menu, but it does not hide it, so it works half of the description

Expected Behavior

when main menu is visible: by pressing the windows-key should hide the main menu

Current Behavior

when main menu is visible: by pressing the windows-key the main menu is still there

Possible Solution

I think the intention was really: "Show/hide main menu"; but it was not programed till the end;

not only because of the description it should have this do/undo-behavior, but also because it should have the same do/undo-behavior like the mouse:

  • click in the panel on the main-menu-symbol: main menu appears
  • click again in the panel on the main-menu-symbol: main menu disappears

at the moment the main menu can disappear with the esc-key; for people who are used to esc, one could program something like:
if (main menu is visible) then (if esc or windows-key is pressed): hide the main menu

Steps to Reproduce (for bugs)
  1. press the windows-key to let appear the main menu
  2. press again the windows-key to hide the main menu

shortcuts should work like the description

System Information
  • Distribution & Version: Lubuntu 20.10
  • Qt Version: 0.15.0

by the way, in the shortcut-configuration there is also Meta+R for "Show/hide runner";
it works exactly like the description, so do/undo works there; and it can also be hidden with esc

so, to program the correction of the shortcut for the main menu should be not only possible, but easy to realize, because it would be some kind of copy-and-paste-work (Meta+R for "Show/hide runner" would be the pattern)

This doesn't seem to happen anymore, the keybind for "Show/hide main menu" also hides it.

This doesn't seem to happen anymore, the keybind for "Show/hide main menu" also hides it.

I can not confirm in Lubuntu 22.04 with LXQt 0.17.0. But it can be that it is fixed in LXQt 1.1.0.

This doesn't seem to happen anymore, the keybind for "Show/hide main menu" also hides it.

I can confirm in Lubuntu 22.10 with LXQt 1.1.0 that the issue was fixed.