ross-Hr opened this issue · 5 comments

Hi, i just two suggestions when i run your CAE:
Your data dir is ' data_root = '/root/paddlejob/workspace/env_run//' '.
So there could be some unknown attacks.

Your structure of 'downstream_task/detection/evaluation/object_detection' is awful, so that i run the code directly in my server and get an import BUG .

Thanks for your reminder! We have fix (i). Could you provide more details of issue (ii)?

Thanks for your reminder! We have fix (i). Could you provide more details of issue (ii)?

In the directory : .../downstream_tasks/detection/evaluation/object_detection :

I create a.sh or b.sh in detection/evaluation/object_detection for training. It seems like :
python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=2

I also move the library detection/models into mmcv_custom/models.

There is no need to move models to mmcv_custom. We follow ibot to run object detection experiments.
Please enter downstream_tasks/detection/ and run your scripts in this folder.

|-- init.py
|-- a.sh
|-- a.txt
|-- b.sh
|-- configs
| |-- base
| | |-- datasets
| | | -- coco_instance.py
| | |-- default_runtime.py
| | |-- models
| | | |-- cascade_mask_rcnn_r50_fpn.py
| | | |-- cascade_mask_rcnn_swin_fpn.py
| | | |-- cascade_mask_rcnn_vit_fpn.py
| | | |-- mask_rcnn_r50_fpn.py
| | | -- mask_rcnn_vit_fpn.py
| | -- schedules
| | -- schedule_1x.py
| -- mask_rcnn
| |-- vit_base_giou_4conv1f_coco_maskrcnn_1x_cae_sincos_init0.1_lr00003.py
| -- vit_large_giou_4conv1f_coco_maskrcnn_1x_cae_sincos_init0.1_lr00002_lrdr0.85_dp0.2.py
|-- mmcv_custom
| |-- init.py
| |-- pycache
| | |-- init.cpython-36.pyc
| | |-- checkpoint.cpython-36.pyc
| | |-- layer_decay_optimizer_constructor.cpython-36.pyc
| | |-- prepare_rpe.cpython-36.pyc
| | |-- register_backbone.cpython-36.pyc
| | -- utils.cpython-36.pyc
| |-- checkpoint.py
| |-- layer_decay_optimizer_constructor.py
| |-- loader.py
| |-- models
| | |-- init.py
| | |-- pycache
| | | |-- init.cpython-36.pyc
| | | |-- swin_transformer.cpython-36.pyc
| | | -- vision_transformer.cpython-36.pyc
| | |-- head.py
| | |-- swin_transformer.py
| | -- vision_transformer.py
| |-- prepare_rpe.py
| |-- register_backbone.py
| |-- runner
| | |-- init.py
| | |-- pycache
| | | |-- init.cpython-36.pyc
| | | |-- checkpoint.cpython-36.pyc
| | | -- epoch_based_runner.cpython-36.pyc
| | |-- checkpoint.py
| | -- epoch_based_runner.py
| -- utils.py
|-- output_dir
| |-- 20220630_151058.log
| |-- 20220630_151058.log.json
| |-- epoch_1.pth
| |-- epoch_2.pth
| |-- latest.pth -> epoch_2.pth
| -- vit_base_giou_4conv1f_coco_maskrcnn_1x_cae_sincos_init0.1_lr00003.py
|-- test.py
-- train.py

13 directories, 48 files

add code below to the very first of the script could be more than enough~
import sys
BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(file)))