
Minor: The triangle icon may look better if reversed when at the bottom of the screen

lucamug opened this issue · 6 comments

Maybe this is a personal preference, but I feel that the triangle icon should be rotate 180 degrees when it is at the bottom of the screen


Screen Shot 2022-12-17 at 22 05 41


Screen Shot 2022-12-17 at 22 05 41 copy

At the top of the screen it looks fine

Screen Shot 2022-12-17 at 22 01 53

Hi! Thanks for the input! I think it’s better the way it is though. I think. Is there any precedence on the Internet to look at? I thought the convention was that “triangle down” means “collapsed” and “triangle up” means “expanded”. But maybe it’s more about which direction the expanded panel goes? So if it’s a “dropup” rather than a dropdown, it makes more sense to flip the triangles? 🤔

I see your point. I am leaning more for your second opinion.

I find it more natural if the triangle is pointing in the direction of the expansion...

For example:

Screen Shot 2022-12-18 at 7 30 40



Also if the triangle would stay near the edge (left edge when it is on the left and right edge when it is on the right), it would be possible to open and close the menu without moving the mouse, because the triangle would not move.

Thanks for all the links and screenshots!

Also if the triangle would stay near the edge (left edge when it is on the left and right edge when it is on the right), it would be possible to open and close the menu without moving the mouse, because the triangle would not move.

I don’t quite follow here. What do you mean?

Let me know if this clarify the idea





I see, thanks.

Note though that the whole bottom area is clickable, not just the triangle.

Ah, you are right... I didn't notice.

I think we instintively analyze things that moved, the differences, so it may necessary an extra effort to realize that the triangle and the date just shifted, but they are the same things, actually.

This is another option that maybe is even closer to the concept of drop-up, where the initial button is immutable:


Anyway, just nitpicking here :-)

The tool is great and I am considering adopting in some new project to see if it can be a replacement of elm-go that we are using at the moment.