
Getting the error `Error: spawn Unknown system error -8` when using Node 18

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It seems that with Node > 16 this error happens

Unexpected error:
Error: spawn Unknown system error -8
    at ChildProcess.spawn (node:internal/child_process:413:11)
    at spawn (node:child_process:757:9)
    at /Users/.../node_modules/elm-watch/index.js:3087:19
    at new Promise (<anonymous>)
    at promise (/Users/.../node_modules/elm-watch/index.js:3082:36)
    at spawn2 (/Users/.../node_modules/elm-watch/index.js:3158:99)
    at install (/Users/.../node_modules/elm-watch/index.js:3703:29)
    at continuation (/Users/.../node_modules/elm-watch/index.js:3818:33)
    at installDependencies (/Users/.../node_modules/elm-watch/index.js:3876:14)
    at /Users/.../node_modules/elm-watch/index.js:7333:35

Hi! I used elm-watch with Node.js 18 for a long time, and now I use Node.js 20 and it works fine. The tests also run Node.js 18.

Can you post more details?

I tried several Node versions and I got this weird pattern:

OK v16.14.2
Error v18.15.0
OK v18.16.0
Error v18.17.0
Error v18.17.1
Error v20.3.1
Error v20.7.0

On a MacBook Pro - Ventura 13.5.2

Huh, that’s strange.

Could you make a reproduction repo? Then I could clone it and play around as well, with the different Node.js versions you posted.

Do you mean a repo with Elm code? This is an example of a project that shows that error: (you can run both elm-watch and a web server with cmd/start).

But other repos have the same issue, for me. So I think is not related to the specific project. Also it is not excluded that is a specific problem of my configuration

A “reproduction repo” usually means a minimal repo that you make just to demonstrate an issue. It should contain step-by-step instructions on which terminal commands to run to reproduce.

Ok, I found the issue.

My projects install Elm inside node_folder but I assume elm-watch use the global install.

For some reason, the global install did not work. Executing elm just did not return anything.

Reinstalling Elm globally with npm -g install @lydell/elm fixed the issue.

This was hard to find! I was able to notice something strange only after I tried to run "elm init" on some of the non-working Node versions.

I wonder if having elm-watch to point to a different binary could be useful.

I expect devs that clone my projects to run "npm install" without requiring them to install Elm manually.

elm-watch tries to spawn just elm:

command: "elm",

So it’s up to you to make sure that elm is in PATH. elm-test works that way too, and elm-review (unless I’m mistaken). The idea is that:

  • If you install elm-watch globally, why wouldn’t you install elm globally as well?
  • If you install elm-watch locally, you execute it with npx. npx adds local node_modules/ folders to PATH, so both locally installed elm and globally installed elm are found.

Either way, elm-watch should never exit with “Unexpected error:” – it should print a helpful message. I tried to reproduce myself now. I made sure that elm-watch in in PATH, but not elm. This is what I get when running elm-watch hot:

-- ELM NOT FOUND -------------------------

I tried to execute elm, but it does not appear to exist!

This is what the PATH environment variable looks like:


Is Elm installed?

Note: If you have installed Elm locally (for example using npm or elm-tooling),
execute elm-watch using npx to make elm-watch automatically pick up that local
installation: npx elm-watch

I wonder what happens in your case? Does child_process.spawn() throw an error for some reason? I didn’t know it could. 🤔

It is a weird case where the elm command works but nothing happens. This is what elm-review returns:

-- UNEXPECTED ERROR ------------------------------------------------------------

I ran into an unexpected error. Please open an issue at the following link:

Please include this error message and as much detail as you can provide. If you
can, please provide a setup that makes it easy to reproduce the error. That will
make it much easier to fix the issue.

Below is the error that was encountered.

and this is what elm-test returns:

Error attempting to run Elm compiler "/usr/local/bin/elm":
Error: spawn Unknown system error -8

Strange indeed!

  • I wonder what “Unknown system error -8” means. Tried to Google it a little but nothing has come up so far.
  • elm-test says /usr/local/bin/elm.
    • What happens if you execute that directly?
    • What does file /usr/local/bin/elm say?
    • What does shasum -a 256 /usr/local/bin/elm say?
    • Where does that binary come from / how did you install it?