
errors display below <dialog>s

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Recently I've transitioned my modals to use native elements, but when I encounter errors via elm-watch the in-app error view is below the modal.

Elm's debugger can be popped out to a separate window which solves this problem, perhaps something similar could be done with elm-watch?

Thanks for the report!

I suppose if elm-watch uses a <dialog> too, maybe it wins over your own dialogs?

It seems like <dialog>s opened with .show() will use a stacking context that respects z-index etc., but <dialog>s opened with .showModal() will stack in order that they were opened. And a <dialog> opened with .showModal() will appear above any opened with .show() from what I can tell.

So if elm-watch uses .showModal(), it would probably win would be my guess 🤷

Cool, thanks for making that demo!