
Option to create types without deleting PropTypes

seanf opened this issue · 2 comments

seanf commented

In a large JS/TS (partially typed) codebase, it can be useful to keep the PropTypes around for some runtime type verification, at least for a while.

Obviously there's a risk over time of losing consistency between the PropTypes and the TS types, but I think it can be a useful migration strategy.

seanf commented

My workaround for now is to comment out the last three lines of allTransforms in ~/.vscode/extensions/mohsen1.react-javascript-to-typescript-transform-vscode-$VERSION/node_modules/react-js-to-ts/dist/index.js

exports.allTransforms = [
    // react_remove_prop_types_assignment_transform_1.reactRemovePropTypesAssignmentTransformFactoryFactory,
    // react_remove_static_prop_types_member_transform_1.reactRemoveStaticPropTypesMemberTransformFactoryFactory,
    // react_remove_prop_types_import_1.reactRemovePropTypesImportTransformFactoryFactory,

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