
Pros/Cons against Mortar/Flow

nicolasgramlich opened this issue · 6 comments

  1. Many are probably wondering what are the pros/cons compared to Mortar/Flow?
  2. Does Lyft actually use this library internally?

Adding to question 1 above, is there currently any way for Scoop to save and read from the activity lifecycle's persistence bundle? It looks like the back button support is handled (similar to Flow), but bundled persistence is missing (Mortar could solve this if its not currently supported).

lexer commented

@elijahz we are not persisting state to bundle at this moment.

We don't need that in Lyft app, but we will probably add support eventually.

lexer commented


  1. Many are probably wondering what are the pros/cons compared to Mortar/Flow?

Mortar and flow keep their integration to the user. We wanted to have a solution that built to work together in a single possible way.

To provide deeper comparison we need to look at latest state of Mortar/Flow. We will may be do this research for upcoming talk in San Francisco.

  1. Does Lyft actually use this library internally?

Yes, we do. We are using slightly older version. We currently are in process of migration.

Saving state on activity recreate is very important feature for many apps.
@lexer what is nearly date of this feature?
Also, how can I implement it myself, your suggestions?

@IlyaEremin I think, you might find the second comment in this thread helpful: issue #13

Using that technique, it seems possible to expose a bundle handling service. This could probably even be adapted from mortar:

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