imp, a simple imperative language with conditionals and stores.

see lecture 5 slides and notes for information:

# example.imp

foo := 10;
bar := 3;

while bar < foo {
    print foo;
    print bar;

    bar := bar + bar

print bar;
$ imp.exe example.imp
[print foo = 10]
[print bar = 3]
[print foo = 10]
[print bar = 6]
[print bar = 12]

bar = 12
bar = 6
bar = 3
foo = 10


  1. have menhir installed with opam
  2. build with dune build
  3. test with dune exec imp (for stdin, or pass a file)

note that I'm not affiliated with Cornell in any way, I simply found the lecture notes and decided to implement the languages presented therein.