
Can't download the database on ADP website

ambarion opened this issue · 4 comments


I want to retrain the model of Patch-level Classification CNN, so I searched in the ADP project for the database. And I found the ADP website.
I noticed that the database on ADP Website is TO BE released and under Ethics Board Review. May I ask when I can download the database? I've already activated my account on the website. But I can't download the database for the reasons stated before. Or, there is any other way to get the database?

With many thanks

@mahdihosseini any thoughts on this?

I got the database from email! Thank you!

I noticed your comment in #4. That is to say, the pre-trained model of histonet is not trained in the way of ADP. Instead, you trained the classifier with the network in this paper (the architecture with GMP). Is it right?

But I find the database input size inADP training code is not actually 224224, it's 272272. What method do you use to down-sample the image?

If I remember correctly, I used the same training code as in the ADP repo but with the modifications mentioned in the HistoSegNet paper (including the GMP as you mentioned).

As for resizing, I just used the default OpenCV resizing function with cv2.INTER_LINEAR interpolation.

Thanks! I really appreciate your help!