Hi, Rynco here!

  • He/Him
  • Also known as: 夏琳梓 (Xia Linzi)
  • Postgraduate at BUAA, studying compilers.
  • Chinese / English / Japanese
  • Rustacean.
  • C++ for work, Rust for fun. Also writes C#/F#, JS/TS, Java and Python whenever needed.
  • AFK Ingress agent (englightened) & KSP player.

Social Media

You can find me in the following social networks:

Also, my PGP keys: B119BA40670B5443, D7413BC1F5AFC104 and 6A3E6D8E4F5AD67D (in order of descending usage).

My resumé: English / 中文

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(It would be great if you can tell me what you're supporting me for!)