
A game for homework.

Primary LanguageC#OtherNOASSERTION

Software Engineering Simulator


WARNING: This project is in alpha phase. Use at your own risk.

软件工程模拟器 是软件工程课的作业。这是一款模拟软件开发过程的游戏,完成时间 Soon™。在做完之后可能会上架 Steam。

Software Engineering Simulator is a homework project for the Software Engineering class in my college. This is a game to simulate (at least partially) the process of developing a software with a team. Will be complete Soon™. Might be uploaded to Steam after completion.

文档 Documents


Documents for developers (e.g. partial goals; written in Simplified Chinese) are listed below:

“瀑布” 类型的文档 Docs for "waterfall" style development

“敏捷” 类型的文档 Docks for agile development (those that really work)

开发环境 Development Environment

注:Unity 跟 NuGet 和 Paket 的兼容性都不太好,所以依赖项目前还是手动管理的。

Note: Because Unity3D does not go well with NuGet nor Paket, the dependencies are managed by hand for now.

依赖项 Dependencies

由于 Unity3D 的某些特性(只认 Assets/ 里面的文件),以下依赖项的二进制文件或源代码都被包含在了本仓库中。

Due to certain limitations of the Unity3D framework (only files in Assets/ will be included for building), the binary release or source code of all dependencies below are contained in this repository.


Dependencies that are no longer used:

Who needs ProtoBuf or MessagePack when he has the great Ceras serializer?

协议 License


See the License file.