
`:` inserted as list separator if list is >= 4 items long

gabbifish opened this issue · 3 comments

Hello! We are on hiera version v0.2.0.
We are parsing a fact into a JSON output format and noticed a parsing error.

When parsing a yaml list like

  - typeA: a
  - typeB: b
  - typeC: c
  - tupeD: d

hiera will parse it as


Note that what should have been a comma delimiter is now a :!

We have the go code to parse from the yaml file:

	var variables []string
	for _, fact := range facts {
		variables = append(variables, fact.String())

	cmdOpts.Merge = "deep"
	cmdOpts.Variables = variables
	cmdOpts.RenderAs = formatToFormatString(format)

	configOptions := map[string]px.Value{
		provider.LookupKeyFunctions: types.WrapRuntime([]hieraapi.LookupKey{provider.ConfigLookupKey, provider.Environment})}
	configOptions[hieraapi.HieraConfig] = types.WrapString(path.Join(directory, "hierav5.yaml"))

	dest := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
	err := hiera.TryWithParent(context.TODO(), provider.MuxLookupKey, configOptions, func(c px.Context) error {
		hiera.LookupAndRender(c, &cmdOpts, []string{key}, dest)
		return nil

Would it be possible for you to try the tip of the v1.0.x branch and check if the problem is still there?

I added the following test to v1.0.x:

func TestLookup_fourElementSlice(t *testing.T) {
	inTestdata(func() {
		result, err := cli.ExecuteLookup(`--config`, `hiera.yaml`, `--render-as`, `json`, `myList`)
		require.NoError(t, err)
		require.Equal(t, `[{"typeA":"a"},{"typeB":"b"},{"typeC":"c"},{"tupeD":"d"}]`, strings.TrimSpace(string(result)))

with this data in hiera/common.yaml

  - typeA: a
  - typeB: b
  - typeC: c
  - tupeD: d

and the test passes.

Heh, after some grappling with the breaking changes between v0.2.0 and v1.0.x (there were quite a few!) it looks like this fix is present in v1.0.x! Thank you for adding a test to verify this!