
[SingleProject] it's a pain, not a feature ?

lytico opened this issue · 0 comments


gather arguments why it's a pain to develop with

gather arguments why it leads to a lot of anti-patterns (it's an anti-pattern, not a feature)


doesn't compile without all workloads available

platform-specific code is scattered all over the code base

impossible to introduce a new platform without touching the whole code base

build-system is scattered with platform-specific msbuild-variables and other hard to maintain artifacts;
a new generation of franken-style build system is evolving

all platforms have to be implemented, even if they are not needed

parallel usage of platforms is impossible


dotnet/Microsoft.Maui.Graphics#70 (comment)

Part of the reason for putting everything in one project like this is that it will reduce the number of resulting assemblies, and allows us to avoid using shared projects where there is shared code between two platforms (Mac and iOS).


build-sorcery instead of object-oriented inheritance

with anti-object-oriented overuse of partial classes and static extensions
the implementations became hard to maintain and widely dependent on each over

seems that the architecture avoids by any means the usage of generic classes / interfaces