
Add more maintainers to `lz4-java` repo

HTHou opened this issue · 4 comments

The latest lz4-java was released over two years. It still using an old version of lz4 library. See #214.

@odaira Would you like to add more maintainers to that repo? Thanks.

Currently, there seems to be 2 maintainers (jpountz and odaira). One of them said they no longer have time for lz4-java, and the other has not responded to @mentions from issues and PRs in years.
It looks unlikely to me that they can actively search and vet new maintainers. They might eventually come back to lz4-java, but for now the most effective way forward I see is for someone from the community to create a fork, possibly merge some of the pending PRs and create new releases.

This is becoming a problem for the OpenJDK JMC project. Forking might be a reasonable path forward.

Yes, Using library which is not actively maintained is problem for JMC project. I see that master branch has been updated to latest submodule LZ4 (version 1.9.4) but it has not been published to maven central.