
Suggestion - Add border color in the Options

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I'm running flawlessly Dark Background and Light Text 0.7.6 / Firefox 85.0.2 (x64) / Windows 7 (x64). True love.
I have a suggestion which is to add a color option for the borders. Many sites (white background) include borders of a color near to that of their background, hardly perceptible but which appear strongly when the page is handled by Dark Background and Light Text simply because the extension seems to attribute to converted borders the color chosen by the user for Default foreground color.

What I do at this time is to include a CSS (managed by Stylus) to change border color for sites managed by Dark Background and Light Text (Default method of changing page colors is disabled) with * {border-color: #666 !important;} - Rather fastidious.

Examples with a Wikipedia page:

1- Wikipedia default color layout:

2- The same page with Dark Background and Light Text (Stylesheet processor) -- See the excessively bright borders?

3- The same page with Dark Background and Light Text (Stylesheet processor) and * {border-color: #666 !important;}

Isn't that much nicer? :=)

Thanks for reading!