
[Feature request] use websites dark mode when enabled

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Some websites like GitHub already have a dark mode. Depending what is possible (I don't have a clue), this should be used in favor of the Add-ons style.

I don't know if it is also possible to detect a dark mode style which currently just isn't used. If yes, also this already present style should be used in favor of the Add-ons style.

So, maybe more general I'd say: Whenever possible use the websites dark mode style.

I was about to open a topic like this but i'd remark/change the request to add an option to set to disabled if it does detect a dark theme. I've thought about that and at the very least it should check on:

  • html and body parts
  • check on diff. background options
  • convert colors to either RGB (f.e. all <50) or at best HSV (f.e. v<=20 or s&v <=15) and well, if true disable, else defaults.

more options .... hm, I've been searching the other way round, what to do for dark mode on a website:

  • check if css does include prefers-color-scheme
  • check on img > filter: grayscale(30%);
  • may also a > color
  • div[data-background-image="1"] { opacity: .7; }
  • table { border-color: #666; } ..... hm may multiples of HSV (s=0&v<40, or h=0&s<40, or s&h<20?)


I’d prefer this to not be used in general. Websites’ “dark mode” like GitHub is much too bright. We need true dark mode, i.e. #000000 background colour.

Waiting for the implementation of this feature.