
Hotkey conflict with key symbols

Opened this issue · 8 comments

On my Norwegian keyboard, I depend on AltGr combinations to type @, £ and $
These symbols are located on num keys 2, 3 and 4 along the top row.

With Virtual Desktop Manager (which I love) I cannot get access to these keys as they are used to jump directly to the different desktops (which I think is an excellent feature).

Can this problem be solved in any way?

Same thing for German keyboard and ² (AltGr-2),³(AltGr-3),{(AltGr-7),[(AltGr-8), ] (AltGr-9) only accessible via AltGr. Problem still occurs when selecting alternate mapping.

The difference between Ctrl+Alt and AltGr is difficult to detect. The difference seems to be that no WM_SYSKEYDOWN message is triggered on a system with an AltGr key https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/murrays/2015/04/20/hot-keys-and-altgr/

Same problem with Swiss-french layout (AltGr+2 is @). Would be great if you add an option to disable the keyboard shortcuts of use customs key combinations.

Please fix this asap.

This issues, where shortcuts of this tool conflict with characters (eg: '@') on your keyboard, only exists from version 1.9.0. I suggest using version 1.8.0 until the problem is fixed.

Does this mean that the direct jump key-combinations (AltGr-1, AltGr-2 and so on) is also gone in 1.8.0, or does it use another key combinations?

Hi oywino, the direct jump key-combinations were introduced in version 1.9.0. Version 1.8.0 doesn't have them.

Maybe a better solution: a few days ago Sedunum91 commented:

Finally Use the option "Use alternate key combination" replace ctrl+alt (or alt gr)+1234... with Shift+Alt+1234...

Well, as far as my tests reveal - this does indeed introduce a second way to accommodate direct jumps, but it doesn't remove the previous method. Pressing AltGr+2 key-combination still works in 1.9.0 and hence block the access to the @ symbol (and others).....

when using a keyboard hook then this issues arises when you create listeners to the KeyPress event.

I have made a change for this that has a checkbox for enabling hotkeys or not in my cloned repo here, if anyone is interested.