
The ffmpeg concat function specifies the file, and the new file cannot be read when the data in the file changes

JavaGreenHands opened this issue · 1 comments

Hello, I have a question to ask, I need to specify a folder and want the videos in the folder to be played in the order in file. To this file, if this file has been skipped, it will be read in the next loop. I can perceive this file and read this file at the correct position without re-executing the ffmpeg command, ffmpeg -re -stream_loop - 1 -f concat -safe 0 -i /Users/jack/Movies/file.text -c:v copy -c:a copy -f flv rtmp://xxx/live/livestream/xxx , currently I think it should be the The content of the file is cached when the command is executed, so I hope there is an option to read the content of the source file directly, but I don’t know C++, I hope to get your help, thank you!

I am using ffmpeg version 6.0