
Need to pass precipitation from YOG scheme to coupler

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Currently yog_prec is diagnosed and output but I don't think it is added to the surface water fluxes used by the coupler (e.g. would be needed by land or ocean parts of model).

CAM puts precipitation into either large-scale (precl) or convective (precc). In principle, yog could contribute to both. But for now we are considering yog to be a convection scheme, so one option would be to add yog_prec to precc in cam_diagnostics.f90 here:


Then my reading of CAM is that precc gets passed to the coupler here:

a2x(index_a2x_Faxa_rainc,ig) = (cam_out(c)%precc(i)-cam_out(c)%precsc(i))*1000._r8