
Check the results of the energy fixer after running YOG

Opened this issue · 6 comments

It would be good to see how much (if any) lifting the energy fixer is having to do after the YOG parameterisation is run.

Diagnostics should be output to the CAM log files which can be used to check this.

This goes to the logfiles and is output.
Judith can provide guidance but look at the check_energy subroutine.

@paogorman said that this is lower priority for us, as it involves more science (might be picked up by research associate in the new year?).

Yes, this could be a lower priority than other issues. One caveat: checking the energy fixer for YOG could be a way to find a bug in the code if it flagged that energy was clearly not conserved.

Yes, Jack pointed out the line I think Judith was referring to:

call check_energy_chng(state, tend, "chkengyfix", nstep, ztodt, zero, zero, zero, flx_heat)
...but I'm not sure about log files for this

Information about the dycore energy fixer can be found here: https://www.cesm.ucar.edu/models/simple/change-dycore . @judithberner mentioned, though, that we are only interested in the physics energy fixer.

Doing a grep of EFIX, as was mentioned at the above link, shows that this field is output in the logs/atm.log* files.