
Manual fonts not rendering

frankroberto20 opened this issue · 4 comments

Hi, I've been trying to customize my signature field but I ran into an issue where even if I specify a manual font and add it to the manual signature it does not render the signature with the correct font and instead uses the default one. Here's my example code (sorry for the mess, this is just meant for testing, the actual code is different).

dct = {
    "aligned": 0,
    "sigflags": 3,
    "sigflagsft": 132,
    "sigpage": 0,
    "sigfield": "Signature1",
    "auto_sigfield": True,
    "signform": False,
    "signaturebox": (40, 110, 260, 190),
    "signature_manual": [
            ['text_box', f'Investor\nName: {user.full_name}\nEmail: {user.email}\nDate: {date}\nLocation: Szczecin',
                # font  *[bounding box], fs, wrap, align, baseline
                'default', 5, 10, 270, 40, 7, True, 'left', 'top'],
            ['fill_colour', 0.4, 0.4, 0.4],
            ['rect_fill', 0, 50, 250, 1],
            ['fill_colour', 0, 0, 0],
            ['text_box', user.full_name,
                'DancingScript', 7, 25, 270, 50, 12, True, 'left', 'top'],
    "manual_fonts": {'AlexBrush': 'AlexBrush-Regular.ttf', 'Freestyle': 'Freestyle Script Regular.ttf', 'DancingScript': 'DancingScript-VariableFont_wght.ttf'},
    "contact": user.email,
    "location": "Szczecin",
    "signingdate": date,
    "reason": f"Investment in {investment.home.company.name} by {investment.user.full_name}",
    "password": "1234",

with open(user_p12, "rb") as fp:
    p12 = pkcs12.load_key_and_certificates(
        fp.read(), b"1234", backends.default_backend()
fname = "agreement_1.pdf"
datau = pdf
datas = cms.sign(datau, dct, p12[0], p12[1], p12[2], "sha256")
fname = fname.replace(".pdf", "-signed-cms.pdf")
signed_pdf = io.BytesIO(datau)
with open('agreement_1.pdf', "wb") as fp:
signed_pdf.seek(0, 2)
with open('agreement_1-first_sign.pdf', "wb") as fp:

Here's the resulting PDF, above the line it should write the signature using the custom font.


Some things I found out:

  • Yes, the fonts are being embedded
  • It doesn't work with any of the fonts listed
  • It's not applying the font correctly and instead it's replacing the missing characters with the font that works

Here's an example changing the font order for the text boxes:


m32 commented

try current version from git

That seemed to fix it, thanks! Any plans to upload this version as a pip package?

m32 commented
