
This is a simple debug file in c .

Primary LanguageC

Simpe debugs for 42 students

This repo contains some simple but very helpful tools for debugging your code.

Current debug functions

  1. debug_str(string, name of string)
  2. debug_nbr(integer, name of integer)
  3. check_leaks()

How to use:

  1. Run make to create a library of the debug functions
  2. Now you can add the function prototypes to your functions
  3. Check the test.c file for an easy example for a test main.c
  4. Copy debug.a into your project folder to use it freely
  5. Compile your test and run: gcc test.c debug.a && ./a.out

Some helpful links to practice the fine art of RTFM

  1. Ever wondered what the difference is between SEGFAULT and BUS error?


  2. A descriptive wiki about memory management:

    Memory Management

Halp I still don't know how to debug my code!

man RTFM
