
Plot limits incorrectly compared to detected points

wagenaartje opened this issue · 1 comments

In the update() function of plot_detected_objects.py, the following is done:


But while the plot limits are approximately +-5 meters, the received datapoints are extremely large. Take for example the data below:

'detected_points': {'0,0': {'v': 204213353, 'x': 212143469.0, 'y': 199166970.0, 'z': 203623367.0}}}

Because of this, none of the points is plotted. I assume we need to convert the x,y,z points to meters somehow. But how?

It seems to me that something is going wrong in the conversion done in the below function.

def aux_object(dat, oth, n=16): # detected points/objects

Do you have a reference on how you decode the values? I would like to fix this issue 😄