
Range Profile Plot not showing

Opened this issue · 1 comments


First of all, I would like to thank you for making this useful GUI. I ran into an issue where the graphics didn't show anything when I ran the Python file. How can I solve this problem?



I have solved this problem. I am trying to what should be the instructions for working properly of toolboxes. Xwr68xx_mmw_demo.bin file has been uploaded for Awr6843aop. The required SOP configurations on both cards have been set according to the documents of Texas Instruments. This is very critical !!!! The sop pins of the awr6843 must be set to work with mmwaveiboost.
FTDI and XDS110 ports of the mmwaveicboost card must be connected to the computer. In this way, the port connections and data transfer required for the GUI can be made.
If you are not sure whether true connection you can try reset_via_ftdi python file. If you encountered a problem that means your's connections are not true.

After all ;
python3 pymmw.py -d /dev/ttyACM1 -c /dev/ttyACM0

You should see windowing blocks coming for Gui toolboxes.
If you encountered any specific problem you can text me.