
Starting with IWR6843-ISK

superBaik opened this issue · 10 comments

Thanks for your effort regarding Radar python code.

I'm just trying to start "pymmw" with IWR6843-ISK and "people counting example"


  1. Radar(TI IWR6843-ISK)
  2. Raspberrypi4

Radar is connected with Raspberrypi4 ,

and I would like to run the program in raspberrypi (RaspbianOS)

Here is my question.

  1. I download codes and run as below

python3 pymmw.py -c /dev/ttyUSB0 -d /dev/ttyUSB1

I dont know why...
I waited for a long time, then I just push any button. Then I get the cli command.
So I manually put all my cli configuration. (Finally I can turn on RF frontend radar)

However, I dont know the next step for visualization.

I dont think that I am now fully understating about the program.

Could you give me any help please?

Thanks in advance .

m6c7l commented

you need to flash your device with „mmwave sdk demo“ ( the „people counting demo“ is not supported.

Thanks for your reply.
I will try to flash mmwave sdk demo again.

can I ask you one more question ?

  1. These demo are also run in Raspberrypi4?
  2. If so, import pyqtgraph then python3 command , possible ?
    (This is because I am struggling with the problem the pyqt5 and sip error as below

" from PyQt5 import QtGui, QtCore, QtWidgets, sip, uic
ImportError: /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/PyQt5/sip.so: undefined symbol: _Py_ZeroStruct"



Hello all,

Also from me many thanks for providing this repository.

I have a problem regarding the handler. I get the following message.
Bildschirmfoto vom 2021-05-31 22-36-00
Bildschirmfoto vom 2021-05-31 22-36-15

I am using SDK version, is it possible to make this work with this version? Or am I forced to flash the SDK version to for now?

Thank you.
Best regards

m6c7l commented

please add the version (probably to the tuple in mss/x8_mmw.py at line 25 (ver) and try again. Please report if it works.


Thank you for your answer.
Unfortunately did not work...

Best regards

m6c7l commented

I will investigate the new SDK soon. For now, you are forced to downgrade to SDK version

Ok thank you very much. Then I will have to switch to the other version for now.

Best regards


So i downgraded SDK to and still have the same problem. Do you have any idea what the reason could be? Visualize version is still

Best regards

m6c7l commented

the master branch has been updated to support for IWR1843 and IWR6843. Please make sure to connect FTDI of any carrier board (e.g. ICBOOST) as well to enable reset without pressing NRST via pymmw. The XDS110 debug probe seems not to work in the same way when using a carrier board as it works for IWR-BOOST-EVMs.


Now it works!!! Thank you very much :)
Great tool. Great work.

Best regards