Manage students
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As a user, I should be able to manage my students easily.
Acceptance Criteria
Given a user wants to create/claim a new student
When the user performs a gesture on a Student Center affordance
Then a form should be presented to the user in which they can enter the first and last name of the student. If the user is a teacher, the student will be created and tied to them. If the user is a parent, and the name matches a created student, the student will be claimed by the parent.
Given an active user wants to edit or delete a student
When the active performs a gesture on a edit/delete affordance to the right side of the displayed student
Then, if the user is a teacher, they can edit and save the student's name, or they can delete the student, which will present them with a confirmation message letting the user know all of their info for that student will also be deleted. Parents will only have a delete button, and will not delete any teacher created info for the student.