

Opened this issue · 0 comments

As a user, I should be able to create and easily notes about my students. It should be my choice whether or not these notes are private.

Given an active user wants to create a note regarding a student

When the active user performs a gesture on the New Note affordance

Then the active user will be presented with a form to input a new note and choose if the note is private
Then the user can perform a gesture on the save affordance to finalize the creation of the note which will automatically be dated.
Given an active user wants to edit or delete a note regarding a student

When the active user performs a gesture on the edit/delete affordance under a displayed lesson plan

Then the active user will be presented with a form to edit their note. Following the user’s edits they can perform a gesture on the save changes affordance to update their note, or the active user can perform a gesture on the delete plan affordance to the right to delete their note.