

Opened this issue · 0 comments

As a user, I should be able to manage a list of milestones to monitor student progress.

Acceptance Criteria
Given a user wants to mark a milestone completed
When the user performs a gesture on an affordance to the left of the milestone
Then the milestone text and background should change color, and display a completed date to the right of the milestone.

Given an active user add milestones
When the active user performs a gesture on a add new milestone affordance
Then, the user can input a new milestone and save it.

Given an active user wants to edit or delete a milestones
When the active performs a gesture on a edit/delete affordance to the right side of the displayed milestone
Then, the user can edit the milestone text, or delete the milestone from the list entirely.

Given a parent user wants to view milestones
When the parent user performs a gesture to go to the milestones page from the header
Then, the parent user is presented a view only display of the milestones.