
Export course to Moodle course backup format

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This will need to be a little reverse engineered, but I'll send on a course backup that I've exported from Moodle so you can see the format. Although the files have the extension .mbz, they are actually just .zip files.

I'll set up an area for you on my Moodle server so you have somewhere to test with importing

This is moving along. The research so far has been seeing how little can be included in the backup file and remain a valid backup from which Moodle can restore. The key seems to be including empty files when in doubt.

As far as implementation, this has started from the top down: exporting the archived collection of XML files and progressively adding more course specific information as we go.

The underlying blockers have been resolved here, and the prototype export works. It's just returning page activities right now until we switch from resources to resource files, at which point we'll need to include files. However the biggest problem should be behind us now.