
remove jquery dependency

lalalic opened this issue · 5 comments

since remoteDB support customized httpclient, is it possible to remove the must dependency on jquery, and require jquery only when there's no customized httpclient?

@HttpClient = httpClient or require('./jQueryHttpClient')

Absolutely! I'm a little busy on other work, but I would welcome a pull request.

I don't know why but suddenly this became an issue in one of our nativescript apps. I also don't have time right now to fix this (especially since its coffeescript), so I forked the project and removed the jquery dependency & the RemoteDb export, which was using it, see

Because of jQuery minimongo doesn't work with Vue.js. I have an error:

ReferenceError: $ is not defined

I've now added a $ = require("jquery") (as it should have had from the beginning!)