
Error on twig template 'RedCodeTreeBundle:CRUD:tree.html.twig'

Closed this issue · 6 comments


I use the dev-master bundle with sonata admin 3.16

I override this sonata admin config:

outer_list_rows_tree: 'RedCodeTreeBundle:CRUD:tree.html.twig'

For use the bundle template for tree instead of not existing sonata one. But I get this error:
Variable "_sonata_admin" does not exist.

Is it a bug or did I do something wrong ?


did you follow instructions from the readme file?

Hi, I am pretty sûre to respect the readme + change the outer tree templace of sonata with the redco one on sonata admin config. It was working for a while, but doesn't work anymore since i did composer update.

Could you provide the full error trace as symfony provides it?
Could you provider your current composer.lock file, so we can reproduce this issue?

Sorry for the delay, I made others tests and In fact it work, I made a mistake, and it seem that with your bundle if you load the sonata view ?_list_mode=tree on entity where treecrud feature is not plug.

Finaly I think the only things miss is there is no "?_list_mode=" bouton for change view display when you had clicked on tree view display.
So now it's more an evolution/improvement than a real bug.

It's me again, after small try, It seem if I just add " " in template:
line 115:
{% block list_filters_actions %}
{% endblock %}
The nav bar appear with bouton for display view


Ok, thanks