serialize.VarInt errors
Opened this issue · 3 comments
128 00
255 7f
16512 8000
python 3.7.7, 2.17.18, Fedora 30 x32
You may be looking for python-bitcoinlib.
No, it is not the same.
LevelDB (index/*) stores varints exactly like your VarInt (WriteVarInt and ReadVarInt in serialize.h of vanilla bitcoin-core).
But without same errors.
Sorry, I responded late last night. Thank you for the big report, that is very helpful.
What I mean is that python-bitcoin is abandon-ware. No, it is worse than that: I need it to support some obscure altcoin tool I’m still using but in the process of winding down, so I’m the mean time I’m only supporting the features that project needs, a small subset having to do with serialization of transaction data, and I’m not even trying to maintain compatibility with bitcoin itself. After that it will truly be abandoned.
So again, thanks for the bug report. I’m leaving this issue open as a reminder to check if this bug affects my use of the library, and if so fix it.
But I wonder, respectfully, why you are using this library, and if you’d be better served by using python-bitcoinlib, an actively developed library maintained by my good friend @kanzure.