
Flag to abort if a code block returns an error

mmlb opened this issue · 1 comments

mmlb commented

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
I'd like to use slides sort of like a runnable playbook. Its actually not as crazy at it sounds :) (and I'd like to discuss this more).

Describe the solution you'd like
I'd like for code blocks to do some work and if an error is returned by a code block (think bash returning an error) slide prints it and stops moving forward in the presentation.

Describe alternatives you've considered
In terms of slide, I've only thought about printing a flashy warning POSSIBLY IN ALL CAPS that continuing is strongly not advised.

Additional context
I don't think any are needed but can show some snippets of what I'd like to use this feature with if necessary.

mmlb commented

I'm sort of thinking a stop-on-code-block-error (or some other name) in the front-matter.