
Kub8 Server API

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Coverage Status

Getting Started

We are building a simple Adonisjs app that controls a kubernetes cluster,as a developer we recommend that you have the folloiwng tools installed on your machine before you start writing code for the system:

  1. Ubuntu as the OS, you can use Windows or MacOS but we recommend Ubuntu

  2. Docker & Docker compsose installed on your OS

  3. Use Visual Studio code as IDE

How to build the system

The following command will run the system inside a docker image and it will reload each time you make changes to your code files

cp .env.example .env docker-compose up -d

Once it is running you can access the system using the follwoing link


Running commands

In order to enter the docker machine and run commands from the machine your can run

docker exec -it adonis_app /bin/bash docker exec -it adonis_db mysql -pdb From there you can run any command like npm run lint

Testing with a real kubernetes cluster

We have a small cluster used for testing, for making the calls to that server you need to have

  1. Key which will be provided to you privatly
  2. Running the following command

docker exec -it adonis_app /usr/bin/ssh -4 -N -i key.pem -L 8001: ubuntu@